[Q] I know we’ve been following and supporting each other for some time now, but officially, who is Martin Moore, the creative?
[A] My name is Martin Moore and I am the official Photographer and Filmmaker for @KossHeadphones, a Worldwide Headphone Company based in Milwaukee, WI, United States.
I’ve always been two things, a Creator and an Entertainer. Whether it was doing Magic professionally when I was a kid, Music when I was an early adult, or making YouTube Vlogs, Documentaries and Photography today, creating is in my blood. If I’m not creating, I’m not Martin Moore. It defines me. It’s who I am. It hasn’t always been easy, but creating has been the absolute joy of my life.
[Q] I feel like everyone is on their own path trying to figure this creative freelance journey out, but what is your purpose or passion for what you do?
[A] The creative industry today is probably one of the most overly saturated and competitive industries there is. Everybody wants to be a freelance photographer. Everybody wants to be the next YouTube star. Everybody wants to replicate what Chance the Rapper did.
For me, the ‘End Game,’ ‘Catching the Carrot,’ ‘Succeeding'; it’s obviously something that everybody wants to achieve, and ultimately ‘in most people’s eyes,' I have, but I have always been more focused on the journey. The Hustle & Grind is what drives me. Working harder than the other guy. Being me. Doing me.
I’ve always looked at my life, my passion for creating and my journey as the Titanic sinking; and getting to the shore alive as the obvious ultimate goal. But that goal (whatever it is) seems so far away, so all I can do is concentrate on getting into the lifeboats to get me there. Every lifeboat is an opportunity, and every lifeboat I get into get’s me one step closer to the shore (my end goal). Every lifeboat I DON’T get into, every opportunity I pass on, there is someone right next to me swimming for their life who will gladly take my place.
[Q] Do you have a favorite photography preference or certain style you’re currently working on? How do you set yourself apart from the vast majority, i guess let’s call them “weekend photographers”?
[A] I like to call my style ‘Commercial Candids.’ Commercial Photography has always been what I’ve wanted to shoot. I really enjoy the crispness, the sharpness, the way the photographer tells a story in their images but somehow makes you completely aware of the product they’re trying to sell you.
I’m not a huge fan of ‘posed’ Commercial photos. If you look at the work I do for Koss Headphones, everything feels so natural, so candid and unscripted. I want my photos to look like I’m just running around the city snagging shots of people living their lives and enjoying their music, oblivious that I’m standing their with camera in hand.
My brand, Martin Moore, me; that is what I use to stand myself apart from others in my industry. I don’t rely on my photos or videos to differentiate my work from someone else's; there are too many people doing the same thing to solely rely on that to stand out. Today, in 2018, personal branding is absolutely vital for a young creative to establish if they truly want to stand out in their field.
[Q] How has having a platform like twitter, instagram, linkedin, ect. changed the game for creatives like yourself?
[A] Social media is an absolute game changer. I’m 37, so I didn’t have social media when I was just getting started, and if I did I’d probably be a lot further along if I had. lol.
Leveraging social media and pimping your brand via it, is absolutely vital. Making sure you’re connecting with the right people and not getting caught up in echo chambers; and what I mean by that is app’s like Instagram when a lot of photographers get sucked into the ‘lit’ ‘dope’ ‘fire’ world that is the IG community, and not making real relationships with people outside of a community where everyone is trying to do the exact same thing as you.
[Q] If you had to leave me and the UG family with one quote to live by, what would it be? Could be yours or one you repeatedly use in life.
[A] My favorite quote of all time, one I’ve lived by my entire life, and will eventually be my next tattoo is this:
“You only live once, but if you do it right once is enough” - Mae West